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Cosmetic surgery does your body more harm than good

Updated Trends: Cosmetic surgeries are slowly becoming popular among youngsters due to the growing peer pressure to look the best at all times. The trend is common among those who do not have much...

Taking a power nap helps your body in 5 ways

Updated Trends: In this stressful and busy world, one often forgets that there is an option to take a nap. A nap is like an energy pill that restores the energy in to the body. For...

The top health benefits of drinking green tea

Updated Trends: Drinking regular tea itself is beneficial for the body in many ways, but green tea contributes even more than the regular tea that is commonly consumed by people around the world. It...

High-protein foods which are low in calories

Updated Trends: Proteins are the most essential nutrients which have to be included in the daily diet, so as to maintain good health. Proteins play a vital role in the heath of the...

Tips to save on wedding expenses and cut costs

Updated Trends: The Wedding day is the most crucial day for the bride and the groom as this is the day, when a couple starts their new life together. Apart from the bride...

Wrinkles in clothes? – Top 5 tips to prevent it

Updated Trends: It’s a week day and you wake up in the morning to find no electricity and to make it worse, wrinkled clothes! Clothes with creases on them could ruin your whole day, especially when...

Involve children in pet care in 5 creative ways

Updated Trends: A pet in the house is no less than a family member since it also requires equal amount of attention like the kids do. At the same time, having pets when...

Main reasons behind the formation of dark under-eye circles

Updated Trends: Eyes are the most appealing part of the body, and the first things that a person notices about a person is the eyes. The 'eyes are the windows of a soul', but...

Bring some zest into your life with lemons

Updated Trends: Lemon is a fruit that has many features -it is sour and is the best source of vitamin C. Apart from consuming the citrus fruit, it can also be used in many...

Thyroid drugs put elder patients at greater risk of fracture

Updated Trends: A recent study has revealed that intake of drugs used to treat thyroid problems may cause vulnerability to fractures. The study stated that the over dose of such drugs can be harmful...

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