Bring some zest into your life with lemons


    Updated Trends: Lemon is a fruit that has many features -it is sour and is the best source of vitamin C. Apart from consuming the citrus fruit, it can also be used in many household chores. The best part about it is that it is easily available and can be either grown at home or can be purchased from the market, and this little yellow ball will give you countless benefits. Not sure what we’re talking about? Check out the top five uses of lemon.


    1. Lemonade – It is summer time and the thing that the body lacks the most is some vitamin and glucose. A fresh glass of lemonade can provide a lot of energy, freshness and vitamins.

    2. Lemon in cooking – A dash of lemon juice in some of the dishes you cook can give it a good taste. Moreover, lemon can also be squeezed in the fruits that have to be added in order to prevent them from oxidizing.

    3. Lemon for skin – Just a few drops of lemon juice can be added to a face pack to make your face glow. Lemon can also be rubbed on the toes and fingers to remove skin tan.

    4. Bug repellant – Lemon can be sprinkled to get rid of bugs , ants and fleas. One has to just sprinkle some lemon juice on the window silts.

    5. Natural disinfectant – Lemon can also be made use to disinfect the cutting boards and can also be put in the water to clean floors.