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used clothes

5 Things to keep in mind before donating used clothes

It is good to be generous and donate the clothes that you do not wear any more. There are many people in the world who cannot afford to buy new clothes. Such people depend...

5 Ways to control your anger and remain calm

There are a number of people who tends to lose control of their temper. Although it is natural, it can damage your professional or persona life. Anger has the ability to ruin one’s life...

6 Tips to plan the perfect proposal day

Being in a relationship is very special and being at a phase when you are all set to take the plunge and are ready to pop the question is even more special. Asking your...

4 Lessons to remember as the year 2021 concludes

The year 2021, might have been a tough year for many people as many struggled to recover from the setback received in the year 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some might have faced...
positive things

6 Positive things to be carried forward from 2020 to 2021

As the 2020 year comes to an end, it is a sweet and a bitter moment that a tough year is coming to an event and people are now ready to leave the past...

Things parents need to leach children that they don’t learn in school

Many parents take it for granted that when their children go to school they are being taught about every aspect of life. But that is not true. Apart from the education that they receive...
comfort zone

Signs that it is time to step out of the comfort zone

There are a number of instances where people might get stuck while being in a comfort zone. Although is it not harmful, but remaining in the zone for a longer period can lead to...

Five easy ways to make your kids mentally strong

There are various studies and arguments related to parenting habits. Not many realize that a few mental habits might even rob away the kid’s mental strength. Most of the parents have unhealthy habits that...

Simple habits that successful people don’t waste time on

There are a number of things that successful people do and we have discussed it in an earlier article. But there are also a few simple things that we tend to do in our...
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Signs Of A True Gentleman: Because Chivalry Is Not Dead

Millennials have their relationships distorted. From open relationships, to Tinder swipes to one night stands, it is a pretty rare thing to see a committed, happy couple. But there's good news for the so-called...

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