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How NOT To Make The First Impression A Bad One

We are constantly meeting people - whether for official purposes or personal reasons, there's always a new face to get acquainted with. And what is most important about these meetings is that the person...
new mother

6 Things to keep in mind when you visit a new mother and her...

The birth of a new child in a family is a very overwhelming experience for the family members and the friends and relatives around them. You might be excited to see the...

Amazon to allow its employees to work from home till June, 2021

The entire globe came to a stand-still when the coronavirus pandemic had hit and lockdowns were imposed as a safety measure. While the lockdowns were imposed, a number of companies had allowed their respective...
parenting mistakes

5 Parenting mistakes that can lead to wrong consequences

Parenting has always been a topic of debate and every person has their own ways. The fact is that there is no instruction book as to how to be a parent. But what you...

5 Cheat Tips To Lose Weight During The Holidays

The holiday season is in full bloom and so are the party invites and the urge to put on some winter weight (after all, whales keep warm in frigid climates with all that extra...

Things that you should avoid doing just before your wedding

The wedding season is here and this is the time you need to be aware and absorb the feeling that you are all set to begin a new life. The actual day comes with...

7 Unique gift ideas for a friend’s wedding

It can be quite tricky when it comes to picking a gift for a dear friend who is getting married. You need to make sure that the moment is memorable so the gift has...

7 Things you should avoid doing in a new relationship

A new relationship is always exciting. You are slowly getting used to the person you have fallen in love with. The bond has just begun and you have just begun to know your partner....

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