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7 things you need to know about money to become a millionaire

Life is so beautiful, especially if you have enough money to back your future with. Many people have dreams of becoming millionaires at some point in their lives. Dreams are valid and so anyone...

The Importance Of Being Happy

You will often come across the saying “Money can’t buy happiness”. One thing for sure is that happiness is a feeling that brightens a person’s moods. By understanding that life is full of mixed...

Hot survival tips when living alone in a new city

Moving to a new place can be intimidating and quite uncomfortable. Naturally, humans love the security of a home base where everything is comfortable and predictable. If you are in such a situation, read...

Millennials Ditching The Workday Life And Moving Off The Grid

With different goals, different desires, and different perspective to life; millennials are quitting their normal employment and are moving off the grid. By having a spontaneous character, you can never predict their next move....

7 Key Traits Exhibited by Millenials

The millenials, also known by a variety of names like the boomerang generation, Generation Y, Peter Pan generation or Generation WE; is a generation born between the 90s up to the year 2000. Through...

Practices That Make You More Productive

Modern life is full of distractions and interruptions. You are always fighting to make to get more productivity out of your day, but it’s not always easy. As a result, you will end up...

5 Examples Of Fun, Easy To Learn And Cost Effective Hobbies

Hobbies are a great way to spend free time and further develop your skills, either personally or professionally. If you don’t want to procrastinate all your free time away and actually get some benefits...

Understanding The Dangers Of Glamorizing Drug Use

Very disturbing statistics show that drug abuse amongst the young adults and teens is on the rise. This unfortunate fact is mostly contributed with drug use glamorization. You will notice that most videos released...

Hot Tips For Valentine’s Day If You’re In A Long Distance Relationship

It feels awful when Valentine’s Day comes calling and your sweetheart is not around to celebrate lovers’ day with you. However there is no reason to worry even if your partner is miles away...

The Dark Side Effects Of Waist Trainers Endorsed By Celebrities

It is quite unfortunate how many people are talking highly of the recently popularized waist trainers. As a matter of fact, most celebrities who have endorsed this trend of thinning the waist do not...

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