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7 Ways To Train Like a Legend

Physical activity is vital; it helps reduce and prevent the risk of many diseases and helps improve both mental and physical heath. Research has shown that regular exercise can also help you live longer;...

Cow’s milk too salty for babies?

Updated Trends: New research has stated that that babies should not be given cows milk. A new study claims that the cow’s milk is too salty to be consumed by the babies. Researchers from...

4 Ways to grow a beard faster

Unable to get the beard you really want? Try these 4 simple steps to help grow a beard faster. Do you long for a lush crop of facial hair? Or does your beard come in patches, worse,...

Baked or grilled fish can protect against Alzheimer’s disease?

Updated Trends: A new study states that eating fish could protect a person from memory loss or even Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers have stated that fish can be good only if they are baked...

3 Ways to maintain brain health

Scientists are still argueing on building a better health of the brain and are searching for new techniques that help to improve brain power. It is noticed that regular physical activity will help to...

Father’s depression can affect children’s mental health?

Updated Trends: For many years, doctors and the researchers have found that children are more likely to develop mental health problems if their mothers suffer from depression. But a new study has found that...
egg yolks

4 Health benefits of consuming egg yolks

It is a health conscious era and people who eat eggs often consume only the white portion and avoid the yolk portion of it. But they do not realize that the egg yolk has...

4 Reasons why dieting can be bad for health

Going on a diet is what many people are indulging to get that desirable figure and to remain fit. Experts have warned that going on a diet not just affects you physically, but also...

5 Unusual places you can meditate

Life these days has become stressful and people hardly get time for themselves. Regular meditation has several benefits but lack of time often leads to irregular meditation. But here are a few unusual places...

Factors which make a person drowsy

Many people complain of feeling drowsy the whole day. Such a condition can many times be irritating and might also be a signal of other issues. There are certain things which can make a...

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