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5 Benefits Of Downward Facing Dog

When you first begin practicing Yoga, your instructor will no doubt introduce you to some basic steps that you would need to follow as a warm up or for basic days when you feel...

Millennials Ditching The Workday Life And Moving Off The Grid

With different goals, different desires, and different perspective to life; millennials are quitting their normal employment and are moving off the grid. By having a spontaneous character, you can never predict their next move....

Top 5 Gadgets That Pass Off As Fashion Accessories

We are in the tech age. You may be one of all of us, who still don't get what "the cloud" is. However, you definitely need to keep up with the never-ending official emails,...

5 Common Traits Of 2016 Billionaires

The billionaires of 2016 seem to come from very different domains. Tech industry geeks, investment gurus, new technologies, fashion or trade are just some of the area from which the wealthiest of our fellow...

5 Cheat Tips To Lose Weight During The Holidays

The holiday season is in full bloom and so are the party invites and the urge to put on some winter weight (after all, whales keep warm in frigid climates with all that extra...

5 Examples Of Fun, Easy To Learn And Cost Effective Hobbies

Hobbies are a great way to spend free time and further develop your skills, either personally or professionally. If you don’t want to procrastinate all your free time away and actually get some benefits...

Fun Things To Do During A Blizzard

Due to recent severe weather conditions in the U.S. and globally, people were once again stuck inside their house or neighborhood. These times call for different ways to pass time, which don’t necessarily involve...

3 Different Transforming Meditation Techniques

It was recently in the news about one million Tibetan children gathered together, meditating for world peace. These days, celebrities, housewives, CEOs and everybody in between is starting to rave about this ancient practice...

Practices That Make You More Productive

Modern life is full of distractions and interruptions. You are always fighting to make to get more productivity out of your day, but it’s not always easy. As a result, you will end up...

Understanding The Dangers Of Glamorizing Drug Use

Very disturbing statistics show that drug abuse amongst the young adults and teens is on the rise. This unfortunate fact is mostly contributed with drug use glamorization. You will notice that most videos released...

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