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7 Key Traits Exhibited by Millenials

The millenials, also known by a variety of names like the boomerang generation, Generation Y, Peter Pan generation or Generation WE; is a generation born between the 90s up to the year 2000. Through...
Morning Person

How To Become A Morning Person – Instantly!

So the weekend just taught you that you're seriously NOT prepared for Monday morning. Hangover, much? Snooze button......5 more minutes......second alarm......oh, sh*t, I am late! That was you, wasn't it? Why can't the weekend...

How To Get People To Like You (Even If You Don’t Like Them!)

Whether you like it or not, regular life dictates that you need to converse with other human beings. If you're an introvert or anti-social person, then this can be hard. Even though you might...

4 morning rituals you should avoid

Here are 4 morning habits that you should ditch in order to have a healthy happy day. Each one of us has a set way of kick starting our day, but have you ever wondered...
Valentine’s Day

Ways to make your relationship stronger this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just round the corner and it is the time when people celebrate and confess about their love. It is not just about the celebration of your love for the person you...

Study suggests one day of work good for health

People have a routine of working eight hours in a day on five days a week and then having a relaxed time over the weekend. But a British scientist has come up with a...
second wedding

4 Crucial things to consider before your second marriage wedding ceremony

Things are surely exciting when you are getting married. But when you are getting married for the second time, things are again exiting but there still remain some inhibitions. This time the...

5 Easy ways to appear confident

At some point of life, it becomes very important to not just feel confident, but to also appear confident. Appearance is of great importance in the corporate sector. It speaks a lot about your...

4 Tips to avoid feeling lethargic post lunch

Avoid feeling lethargic post lunch with these simple tips. No one can claim to be bright and chirpy during post lunch office hours! Lethargy and tiredness takeover and the clock seems to tick slower. However...

Understanding The Dangers Of Glamorizing Drug Use

Very disturbing statistics show that drug abuse amongst the young adults and teens is on the rise. This unfortunate fact is mostly contributed with drug use glamorization. You will notice that most videos released...

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