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4 ways to recognise signs of allergies in toddlers In terms of health problems, toddlers are unable to communicate how they feel. Many conditions might have similar symptoms, which makes it quite confusing to locate the exact problem faced by your little...

Top 3 fat-burning foods If you are looking for foods that help in burning fat, then it is essential to know how it actually works. Such foods usually help in losing weight and also make a person ...

Tips to get relief from corns on your feet Corns can be formed when ill fitted shoes are combined with long hours of standing or walking. This can result in painful corns and even foot pain. The good news is that corns...

Ways to wean babies off breast milk Babies who are dependent on mothers for breast milk are assured of great health and immunity. It also creates a great bond between a mother and a baby which helps greatly in the...

Easy ways to teach children about dental hygiene Dental hygiene is a must in children and it is also essential to keep a watch and educate children about its importance. Making children learn about dental health can help them carry the...

Top 5 ways to get rid of restless nights A lot of people find it tough to sleep properly at night and in a majority of the cases, restless nights are related to your day time activities. If an adult suffers from this...

5 simple ways to guide diabetic patients to a healthier lifestyle

Diabetes is a condition in which the patient needs to be informed about his or her condition and also a few facts and precautions that he or she needs to take in future. It...

5 quick desk exercises to keep you stress-free In today’s world, working at a computer is the norm. Long hours at a desk and in front of a screen can have adverse health implications, as a result special care needs to...

5 precautions to take while treating convulsions

There can be various reasons for the occurrence of convulsions in a person. Convulsion occur when the muscles contract and relaxes in a quick reaction. Such a condition can be caused due to various reasons like...

Remedies to prevent nosebleeds in children Children suffer from nosebleeds  many times which can be caused due to various reasons. It can be due to allergies, respiratory infections or even due to injury to nose, but whatever the condition,  it is...

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