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Cellulite: Why Is It Common Among Women And How To Get Rid Of It?

Cellulite is a skin alteration, especially in women, that normally presents dimpling, layering and even bumping of the skin around the buttocks, upper region of the arms and lower abdomen. Men too also get...
Inverted V Workout

7 Simple Workouts That Are Easily Doable At Home

Exercise1: The Inverted V workout: Photo Credit This exercise ensures optimal workout of your legs, arms and lower back. It takes about 30 seconds. Get a comfortable mat and bend over it with your hands touching the...
Kendall Jenner

Your How-To Guide To Get Kendall Jenner Abs

Being a world-class supermodel is not easy. True, it pays better than a desk job any day. But having to jet-set around the world, walk international ramps and always look flawless is something that...

Yoga: A Way To Harmonize Your Mind, Body & Soul

Yoga is an amalgamation of physical, spiritual and mental disciplines with roots in ancient India around the 5th to 6th Centuries BC. This meditative chore involves specific postures and is widely used for relaxation...

5 main benefits of Pilates

One issue people seldom think about occurs exactly after they choose to get in (or back in) shape. After that eye-opening moment when you say “I’ll go exercise every day!” you quickly realize that...

Cheat Snacks To Keep You Full And Happy At Work

While working tirelessly on a report and more unfinished business, one does need a few munchies on hand to keep up with the hectic workday. Like a comforting friend that assures you everything is going...

Study – Exercise can help to improve cognitive health

Since ages, health experts have been preaching about the health benefits of physical exercise. But now experts are now carrying out researches on how exercise can impact the mind as well. A...

Fit and Fab On a Budget: Your Guide for 2016

Over the past years, if you had ever set out on a shopping mission, looking to buy high quality, fashionable workout clothing or general activewear then you might have arrived at the stark realization...

8 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

It can be discouraging to climb onto the weighing scale every day and not see it budge an inch towards your goal weight. Fat loss is a slow and ongoing process; it doesn't happen...

Follow These Simple Steps For Healthy Weight Gain

People who embark on a journey of bulking up often end up gaining unnecessary fat that can take years to shed off. The aim for everyone should be to gain muscle and minimize fat...

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