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4 Simple ways to make extra money There are times when you feel like you have to do something in order to improve your financial situation. Not many people know that there are a lot of interesting and easy ways...

4 Ways to develop good financial habits In recent times, the world is facing a severe economic crisis and the majority of people are struggling to handle their finances. In order to lead a debt-free life, you need to develop good...
Credit score

5 ways to maintain and improve your credit score

In today's day and age, credit worthiness has come into the forefront in playing a crucial role when a person fills in an application for a loan or paying back debt. When considering a...

3 Ways to save money during holidays The holidays are practically here and even though having some quality time with family and friends is everyone's goal, most of us are probably concerned how will additional expenses affect our finances. We...

5 reasons why you need to pay back outstanding debt

Updated Trends: It has now become common to borrow money and repay it with easy installments. Such a practice has become a very common commercial transaction, but still it is always important to pay...

The IMF Has Foreseen Growth in The World’s Economy

Updated Trends: The IMF Has Foreseen Growth in The World's Economy For most of the developing and developed nations in the world, the International Monetary Fund has projected that there will be a strong growth...

6 Ways to deal with money stress

Money is a very common source of stress and unfortunately, many people can confirm that. Out of the eight top sources of stress in the US, five are finance-related, including money, the economy, work,...

5 Ways to donate to charity

Global recession has left many looking for jobs or being in a tough financial situation. Those who can should help the ones in need and here are ways how to do so. 1. Budgeting for...

Gold Rates In India Inch Closer To Rs.19000 As Festive Season Buying Increases

Updated Trends: Gold Rates In India Inch Closer To Rs.19000 As Festive Season Buying Increases Gold rates in India are slowly inching towards Rs.19,000, thanks to the festive season in South India as Gold purchase...

5 Ways to plan your retirement

Planning your retirement is not as difficult as it may seem. The most important thing is to simply get started. Here are five ways to begin planning your retirement without any stress. 1. Start saving...

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