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5 Spending Habits of rich people you should adopt

Ever imagined if the rich and affluent people also had the practice of saving money? While it could be hard to believe, but it is true that even rich people have money saving habits....

Visa and Mastercard scrutinized for increasing swipe fees

Financial services giants Visa Inc. and Mastercard were probed by the senators for increasing the swipe fees on merchant costs. The senators opined that the increased swipe fees would be ultimately passed down to...

5 Things to stop buying to save cash

While you might be spending on your basics every month, many people do not realize that they can actually save a lot of money by limiting certain expenses that can be easily...

Students to restart paying their loans in October

After a three-year pause due to COVID-19 student loan repayments are expected to restart on October, 2023. The Supreme Court is considering if the Biden Administration can cancel a number of such...

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