5 ways to stay stylish in the rainy season


The rainy season is here and this is the time when one struggles to decide what to wear as it suddenly gets cold and wet. Many girls often get in to a dilemma of what to wear on a rainy day and to stay comfortable at the same time. Here are  five ways to remain stylish and comfortable on a rainy day.

rainy day

1. Wear boots – One may find it tacky, but there are plenty of beautiful and cute waterproof boots in the market to suit your best dress. One can even carry a pair of heels in case you are going to work.

2. Wear skinny jeans – Skinny jeans is the most practical thing to wear on a rainy day. You can avoid getting bell bottoms into a puddle in the muddy rain.

3. Heavy fabrics – This is the season when one can bring out all the heavy fabric tops and dresses out in the cold weather. One may not look slimmer, but it definitely gives an elegant look.

4. Carry an umbrella – There are plenty of small sized umbrellas available in the market, that can easily fit in your hand bag. It is also essential to protect your hair as far as possible from the rain.

5. Accessories – This is also the season when one can wear all the accessories as the weather can allow you to do so.