Christopher Nolan’s ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Will Not Feature In 3D


Updated Trends: Christopher Nolan’s ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Will Not Feature In 3D

Christopher Nolan has revealed that third part of his Batman series ‘The Dark Knight Rises’, will not be featured in 3D. He said it will have 2D technology in it, and would be shot in high definition and IMAX cameras, which will make the movie look a lot more real and intense. One of the main reasons that he does not want the movie to be shot in 3D is because he wants to retain the same look and feel that the movie had in its previous parts.


According to Nolan, he wants the movie to have the same sort of response and feel that the ‘Dark Knight’ had received. As a matter of fact, he has more expectations from the third part. He also announced that the story line for this movie has already been completed and it could be released by July 2012.

Nolan also added that he wanted to enhance the use of technology in making this movie, so he opted to shoot the movie with high definition and IMAX cameras. He is indeed looking forward in making a really great movie, but on the basis of without using 3D technology.