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Antioxidant foods

These Super Foods Will Bust Body Fat Without Any Gruelling Workouts

Whole grains Though grains and cereals like rice are said to contain carbohydrates, whole grains are actually good for you. The complex carbohydrates in non-polished grains take a longer time to break down and digest,...
Happy people 20s

What Habits You Need To Start Forming In Your 20s To Cruise Into Your...

If you thought being a teenager was tough, then your 20s should welcome you with a box of tissues and a glass of wine, just a case. Adulting is hard, no matter how prepared...
Junk food healthy food

Avoid These Everyday Foods If You Want To Stay Healthy

Not everything you eat is necessarily good for your body. Many of us have been brought up on a diet that involves processed foods and packaged products. But you need to be taking care...

Do These Things To Live The Most Fulfilling Inward Life

Life has become harder than ever before. With a multitude of people living with existential angst, it's no wonder people are asking what really is the purpose of their lives. Remember that outside circumstances...
Hollywood celebs sober

Hollywood Celebrities Who Never Drink Alcohol

With celebrities living lavish lifestyles, you'd think that they would be generous with the bubbly. A number of stars are known for endorsing alcohol - from rosé to champagne - and that some even...

Possible Signs Of Depression – Do You Or Anyone You Know Suffer From It?

An alarming rate of people quietly suffer from depression. Because it is not as outwardly recognizable as a number of other mental illnesses, depression is ignored. But, it is a serious issue that can...

Keep Yourself Healthy This Summer With These Simple Tips

Apply sunscreen One of the first things you need to do is grab your sunscreen when the UV rays hit. At least SPF 30+ and above should be applied generously onto skin. And if you...
Essential oils

Top Essential Oils Benefits And Uses For Beauty And Healing

A lot of stores these days stock up on what they call "essential oils". But like so many items that are thought to be natural, some might actually be synthetically made. Before you decide...
Perfume Fragrance

Is Your Perfume Poisoning You And Making You Sick?

Millennials are up in arms about using unnatural chemicals and pesticides for food. GMO and Non-GMO have become a part of health vocabulary, because no one wants to consume harmful substances. But that's about...
Meditation is the key to healthy

Staying Healthy With A Crazy, Busy, Hectic Lifestyle

One of the biggest evils of fast food is that not only is it affordable, its easy accessible and convenient. Usually, stomach pangs of hunger occur without warning, leaving us suddenly craving for something...

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