

Check out the latest beauty news, tips, trends and ideas from around the world only on Newspaper Fashion!

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nail polish

3 Ways to remove nail polish with ingredients found at home

It is great to have a good manicure. They look good and enhance your overall personality. But unfortunately. No matter how expensive manicure you treat yourself with, it does not last for long and...

3 benefits of using cleansing oils for your face

Tired of using harmful chemicals on your face? Get to know the 3 benefits of using cleansing oils for your face. Not many are aware that washing your face with oil can actually be beneficial....

Summer skincare routine by dermatologists

Summer is here and it is a harsh time for the skin as the sun is ready to take away all the hydration and make your skin look dull. It is also time to...

5 Style mistakes women make

Many women purposely wear something that they do not realize that it is making them look older. Here are a few style mistakes to be avoided that make you look fat or older. 1. Glasses...

Common myths related to make-up you should be aware of

A number of women across the globe depend on make-up products. Make-up for many is an everyday routine. But not everyone is aware of the proper use of the infinite number of products that...
hair wash

Myths about shampoo and hair wash you should know

There are a number of myths that are related to hair wash and shampoo. Taking a shower does seem relaxing and a number of people have a habit of washing hair on...

Fashion Trends That Made a Surprising Comeback

Fashion trends do change across timelines but the funny thing about it is that one season something is lauded and can be seen on all streets. The next thing you know you're laughing at...
organic skincare

3 Myths that are related to organic skincare products

After the hype of organic food and vegetables, now the market is trending with organic skincare products. Awareness about all the chemical based products is increasing day by day and a number of people...
Essential oils

Top Essential Oils Benefits And Uses For Beauty And Healing

A lot of stores these days stock up on what they call "essential oils". But like so many items that are thought to be natural, some might actually be synthetically made. Before you decide...
glowing skin

Instant tips to get a glowing skin before a wedding

While the pandemic is still on, a lot of things have managed to get back on track, including people’s regular lifestyles. The good old exertion and routines are back and once again you don’t...

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