McDonalds to take meatless-burger expansion slowly and steadily

McDonalds is facing supply issues from suppliers due to which it is taking baby steps in terms of expansion of meatless burgers


Meatless meat is continuing the become popular among the foodies and McDonalds is now looking forward towards ways to expand its meatless offerings but at a slow pace. The fast food giant on January 8, 2020 announced that it is all set to offer its plant-based Beyond Burgers in 52 more restaurants in Ontario, Canada for the next three months. The plant-based burgers will be introduced starting from January 14, 2020. On a trial basis, McDonalds had introduced the burgers in Canada. But it has to be noted that the expansion by the fast food giant is not on a big level but conservative in nature.

The announcement by McDonalds has come after a leading daily reported that the Impossible Foods has taken a back seat while selling its burgers to the biggest fast-food chain for the reason, that it is not able to meet the growing demands. There were a few earlier talks between McDonalds and Impossible Foods which had speculated that the two giants might strike a deal related to the plant-based burgers.

Pat Brown while talking to a leading daily expressed that they hoped they had more capacity due to the fact that the demand for the plant-based burgers were high. Brown added that on the basis of their current capacity, it is impossible for them to meet the current demands and even if McDonalds strikes a deal with them over supply, then they would not be capable as they need to first increase their production capacity and then commit for a supply.

While Impossible Foods seems to deal with capacity issues, the same is also likely to be the case with Beyond Meat. While plant-based burgers would surely bring a huge revolution in the food industry, the change might not be seen any time soon unless the production capabilities are altered. While other fast-food giants had soon jumped in to the plant-based menus, it took a little longer for McDonalds to adopt.

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