George Bush At Facebook Headquarters, Calls Wikileaks Documents Release ‘Damaging’


Updated Trends: Bush was at the Facebook headquarters recently and during the live interview, the Former US President stated that the Wikileaks documents release will be quite damaging for US and it’s foreign relations. He stated “It’s going to be very hard to keep the trust of foreign leaders, If you have a conversation with a foreign leader and it ends up in a newspaper, you don’t like it. I didn’t like it.”

george.w.bush facebook hq

Photo: Getty

He was quite relaxed during the live broadcast and was later joined by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. During the hour long discussion at the Facebook HQ, Bush mainly spoke about his memoir ‘Decision Points’. According to the New York Times, the book is doing really well and it has toppled personal works of many celebrities and writers in America.

The former President looked quite happy and was engrossed in selling his book across the globe; he stated that he has no interest in the day-to-day politics, which he left back in the year 2009. He indeed had a really good time with Zuckerberg and spoke about the world, sports and even the movie ‘Social Network’ which depicts the rise of Facebook.

Source: CNN