Mel Gibson To Produce ‘Eliza Graves’ Along With Director Oren Peli


Updated Trends: Mel Gibson To Produce ‘Eliza Graves’ Along With Director Oren Peli

Hollywood actor and director, Mel Gibson is said to produce a new thriller movie titled ‘Eliza Graves’ along with director from Paranormal Activity, Oren Peli. It has been said that this latest movie under the banner of Mel Gibson is based on the Edgar Alan Poe’s short stories. The script writer of the movie is Joe Gangemi, who is looking forward to make this thriller really scary.

Mel Gibson Eliza Graves

The movie depicts the experiences of a Harvard Graduate, who has taken a job at an insane asylum, where he is unaware that it has already been taken over by its own occupants. It looks from here that Jodie Foster is looking for a strong role in the movie, along with Natalie Portman and Ian McKellan.

Many writers are looking forward to Poe’s classics, as recently the movie ‘Tell Tale’ has been loosely based on the ‘The Raven’ story. Mel Gibson is known to produce really strong and thrilling movies in his career and not to mention his unforgettable works the Passion Of Christ and Apocalypto.