Ways to protect kids as parents during second wave of COVID-19

Things parents need to know as they protect their children during the second wave of COVID-19


COVID-19 is not sparing anyone and the second wave has proved to be more deadly. While it is important for the adults to remain immune and protected, it is also important for the parents to take good and extra care for their children , who could be vulnerable especially during the second wave of COVID-19. Here are a few things that you can be careful about as parents.

1. Extra care and precaution – Parents need to make sure that the children are constantly washing their hands every now and then as they keep touching different surfaces.

2. Keep breastfeeding infants – Mothers who are lactating should continue to breastfeed their infants. This will maintain the immunity of the little one during the pandemic.

3. Tissue papers – Make sure that you keep tissue papers in every corner of the house so they can grab one when they sneeze and cough and dispose it immediately after use.

4. Make them wear a mask – if the child is above two years old, encourage your child to wear a mask or even a face shield if they interact with outsiders. Make sure that you do not put a mask on infants of they could get suffocated.

5. Keep them indoors – Children need to be protected from infection and make sure they are kept entertained and engaged indoors only. Taking them outside could be no less than a risk.

6. Make them habitual of some physical activity – You can get engaged in to a family exercise time so the entire family can have some exercise. Physical activity in children will help them to be immune.

7. Encourage them to eat healthy – Having eggs on an everyday basis can be great for children. Children need to be given healthy and balanced diet instead of processed and junk food.

8. Make them aware of the situation – Children also need to be educated about coronavirus and that will allow them to take care of the precautions like social distancing and wearing a mask.

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