Precautions to be taken post taking COVID-19 vaccine

Things you need to know after you take the COVID-19 vaccine


Governments across the globe are running the COVID-19 vaccination drives and are fastening up the process of getting all the people vaccinated at the earliest. The second wave of the pandemic has already turned out to be ugly as it claimed millions of lives across the globe. Health experts have also warned about the third wave of the virus that could be even more deadly than the second wave. Before that it is important for everyone to become immune and get yourself vaccinated. Any kind of vaccination leaves a side effect or two. And there are a few precautions that you need to take after you have got the jab.

1. Continue to wear a mask – Even after you have got yourself vaccinated for COVID-19, that does not mean that you cannot be a carrier. You need to continue to take precautions that includes wearing a mask and protect yourself and others being infected when you step out of the house.

2. Do not panic – it is normal to develop a fever along with a few other symptoms like body ache, heaviness in the site of vaccination or fatigue. Simple paracetemol tablets can help you to deal with these minor symptoms. Also make sure that you do not indulge in any strenuous activities for at least two to three days post vaccination.

3. Continue to follow social distancing – You still need to maintain social distancing and still need to avoid going in to crowded places. Maintain a six feet distance from people if at all you are stepping out of the house.

4. Avoid consumption of alcohol –Although there is no evidence in terms of consumption of alcohol, but it is better to avoid it completely for at least two to three days after taking the jab.

5. Eat healthy – Make sure that you remain positive and eat a healthy and a balanced diet. You diet should contain seasonal fruits and a lot of protein which will help you to recover from the post vaccine side-effects.

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