Experts say people can meet people safely after getting fully vaccinated for COVID-19

Experts opine that people who have received both the shots of COVID-19 will be able to safely meet people who have also received their shots


The COVID-19 vaccine has started to rollout from December 2020 from some of the big pharmaceutical companies in the world. A number of countries across the globe are now running a campaign that vaccinates the health care workers and people who are vulnerable to the virus. While people get vaccinated, it can be assumed that it would be safe to avoid some of the public health measures, but that is not the case. Experts have warned that despite getting the vaccine, people need to be equally careful and need to continue to take precautions.

But there is one thing that experts opine that people can do once they are fully vaccinated. Kavita Patel a physician in the United States during the Barack Obama administration has said that people who are fully vaccinated can be a part of small gatherings with people who are also fully vaccinated. Patel added that she is looking forward to have small gatherings and meeting her parents once she and her family is completely vaccinated.

However, Dr. Patel has also clarified about the potential risks that could be involved with such gatherings. The physician added that gatherings will become more common with time. This is something that a number of people have been looking forward to as it has been more than a year when people have not been able to interact with their parents due to the risks involved.

The future will bring more vaccinations for the commoners as well and gatherings will become a regular phenomenon. By the month of April, 2021, it expects to become an open season for COVID-19 vaccinations and people could be gathering during the summer time. Even earlier, health experts have said that people who have been fully vaccinated can see other people who have also been fully vaccinated. It was also said to the extent that when both the parties have received their shots they can meet, hug and pull back from restrictions without wearing a mask.

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