5 Things not to tell a would-be bride

There are certain things that are not supposed to be discussed with a would-be bride where there is just a month before the wedding

bride talk

A wedding can be a stressful situation for the bride, the groom and both the families that are involved. It contains months of planning, meetings, discussions, budget and a lot more that goes in to execution of the big day. While the bride and the groom are already undergoing a stressful situation, there are certain things that you need to avoid. It is important that you need to avoid saying certain things especially to the bride. Here are a few things you should avoid discussing or saying to a would-be bride preparing for her big day.

1. Do not inquire about her weight loss plans – It is rude to ask if she is undergoing any weight loss regime or if she would fit in to her bridal outfit. No would-be bride would want to be body shamed and it is no one’s business to interfere. People might be asking about this out of concern, but it is certainly rude.

2. Do not tell the bride not to stress – The would-be bride might be already undergoing a lot of anxiety as to how she is going to look or how she is going to manage things later. Asking her not to stress might make her irritated and makes things a little uncomfortable for her.

3. Never ask if she is ready – The venue has been decided and the invitations have been sent out – off course she is ready to take the plunge and it makes no sense in asking her if she is ready. If she was not ready, she would not be planning for her wedding.

4. Do not tell her any gossip – There might be people who might be talking about the bride or about the outfit that she has chosen. It is better not to gossip and tell her what others think about her. This can make things worse for her.

5. Do not confuse her – Do not tell her that she has made a mistake by picking up a certain make-up artist or hairstylist. This might make things more stressful.

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