Coronavirus: Facts that pregnant women need to know

Pregnancy is a delicate time for a women and there are certain facts about coronavirus that one needs to know


The coronavirus scare has managed to spread its wings in more than 170 countries across the globe. The virus originated in the Wuhan province in China and has been contracted from wild animals to humans. While people with poor immunity need to be careful about it, pregnant women are also worried about the virus. Pregnancy is a time when the would-be mother and the unborn child has to be taken care of and the new virus scare has left many pregnant women scared and confused. They do not know what to expect and what measures to be taken. Here are a few things that a pregnant woman must know amidst the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

1. Can pregnant women pass the virus to their unborn babies – It is true that close contact with a patient with COVID-19 can spread the virus. But there were a few cases where pregnant women with COVID-19 gave birth to babies who did not test positive for Coronavirus.

2. Can Coronavirus be transferred to babies by breast feeding – So far there is no evidence of coronavirus infecting an infant who is on breast feed.

3. Number of cases of pregnant women with coronavirus – Currently there are a very limited number of pregnant women with COVID-19. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has said that not enough information has been given about the susceptibility of pregnant women. But there are chances that pregnant women could undergo a few changes with COVID-19.

Precautions to be taken by pregnant women:

1. Self-quarantine yourself till the date you are taken to the hospital to deliver your baby.

2. Maintain your immunity by consuming healthy food.

3. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds and use a tissue paper to cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose the tissue immediately.

4. Do not come in contact with people who are coughing or sneezing and maintain a distance of about 1 meter between yourself and a sick person.

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