5 Natural ways to strengthen your nails

Nails need proper nutrition too to remain healthy or they become brittle and can be easily damaged


Many women love to grow out their nails that make their hands look beautiful. However, it is tough to maintain long and beautiful nails as they also need to be strong. Many times it is the chemical based products that make the nails brittle. Brittle nails tend to break easily due to even the slightest hit. There are a few natural ways by which the nails can be strengthened. Here are a few natural ingredients that can be used to make them stronger and healthier.

1. Olive Oil – Olive oil is known for its lightness and can work as nourishment. It not just nourishing, but also has moisturizing properties. Olive oil can be applied on the nails with the help of a cotton swab and let it rest for as long as possible.

2. Coconut oil – Coconut oil can be the best natural ingredient. It not just strengthens, but also keeps the cuticles strong and clean. You can massage the oil on an everyday basis.

3. Flax Seeds – Flax seeds are known for their anti-oxidant content and it can be used in an oil form. Massage some flax seed oil on the nails and cuticles on an everyday basis to get the best results.

4. Lemon Juice – Lemon juice is something that is easily available in every kitchen and is rich in vitamin C. It has natural bleach content and helps to clean them from everyday wear and tear. The vitamin C content helps to keep them grow faster.

5. Garlic Oil – Garlic contains selenium which is a compound which helps them to grow faster. You can massage some garlic oil everyday to get the best results.

Make sure that you don’t use harsh chemicals like a nail enamel remover which have abrasive effect on them. You can also indulge in a refreshing manicure once in a month.

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