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How To Get People To Like You (Even If You Don’t Like Them!)

Whether you like it or not, regular life dictates that you need to converse with other human beings. If you're an introvert or anti-social person, then this can be hard. Even though you might...

How To Get Your Way EVERY Time

There are those who seem to be doing everything possible to make things happen for them in life, and then there are those who seem to sail through within the blink of the eye....

HotTrendingTopic: Amber Rose Gets Own Talk Show!

She was formerly known as an underage stripper who "got famous" by dating rapper Kanye West (this was before his crazy Twitter rants and solo cheerleading chants for the Kardashians). Then she got with another...

Be A Champion In A Same-Sex Relationship

There have been reams upon reams written about regular relationships - tips, expert advice and other paraphernalia. But in the dawn of the new age where greater freedom reigns, there is a spectrum on...

 8 Warning signs of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders define illnesses characterized by irregular eating habits along with severe distress or concerns on the body shape or weight. These may include inadequate or excessive food intakes which would in turn damage...

Want To Get Famous? Try These Celebrity Scandals

How the heck did they ever get that famous? True, they are beautiful, dashing, larger-than-life beings who we secretly all want to be. But let's be real - if it wasn't for all their drama, headlining...

Plus Size Models Breaking Stereotypes

A beautiful woman is synonymous to a zero sized body with towering height and a fair skin today owing to the standards set by society. Is there any justice in that? What about healthy...

Coachella 2016: The Biggest Celebrity Trends

Coachella has always been a cultural and music festival, though in the past couple of years, celebrities and starlets alike have made their presence felt at the annual gathering. It has become somewhat of...

7 things you need to know about money to become a millionaire

Life is so beautiful, especially if you have enough money to back your future with. Many people have dreams of becoming millionaires at some point in their lives. Dreams are valid and so anyone...

The Importance Of Being Happy

You will often come across the saying “Money can’t buy happiness”. One thing for sure is that happiness is a feeling that brightens a person’s moods. By understanding that life is full of mixed...

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