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World Laughter Day – 4 Health benefits of practicing laughter

This World Laughter Day make sure that you laugh your heart out and get rid of every stress or worries that bother you everyday. May 1, 2022 is observed as World Laughter Day and...

Remdesivir approved for COVID-19 treatment of children

Medical Science has made another remarkable development that could prove to be an ice-breaker amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The United States Food and Drug Administration has on April 25, 2022 approved the COVID drug...

What is Endometriosis? Foods that are best for women having it

Endometriosis is a problem that can occur in women when the cells that are similar to the endometrium grow outside of the uterus. This can also appear on the ovaries, uterus or the fallopian...

Ways to understand your stomach pain

Stomach pain is never pleasant and one has to be able to understand as to what exactly is the cause of it. While you are focusing on the pain, you might not be able...

Easy ways to incorporate exercise in your everyday schedule

Many people have hectic schedules that does now allow them to fish out time for exercise. But working out and giving your body the much needed work is the need for the hour as...

4 Signs that you might already had COVID-19

While the coronavirus pandemic might have slowed down in majority of the countries across the globe, many people might have experienced mild to severe symptoms of the virus including the Omicron variant. However, that...

3 Ways to show support your partner suffering from anxiety

Anxiety is something that is not easy to deal with. It is not just tough for the person who is suffering from it, but is also tough for the person romantically involved with the...

4 Easy ways to self-motivate to workout

Working out on an everyday basis is something which has become even more importance under the current circumstances. The coronavirus pandemic has come with lessons for importance of remaining fit and healthy. However, we...

Easy ways to understand anxiety symptoms

April 7, 2022 is observed as the World Health Day when people need to be aware of the importance of being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One has to realize that only if you...

Second COVID-19 vaccine booster approved for older adults in US

After enough discussion over the second booster shot for COVID-19, the United States has approved a second booster for the population of age 50 and above. People above the age of 50 can be...

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