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travel food

Food tips to follow while travelling

Travelling is a time when most of us tend to ignore our diet and end up eating anything that is available around you. But a few days of unruly and unhealthy eating can affect...

5 Vegan sources of calcium

Not many are aware of the importance of calcium for the body. The mineral is more important for women after the age of 30 as it is important for some of the...

FDA warns strawberries could be potential reason behind hepatitis A outbreak

The Federal food regulators have predicted that the organic strawberries packed by a few brands might be the reason behind the recent outbreak of hepatitis A in California. The regulators have pointed...

What is Vegan diet? Its benefits and disadvantages

A vegan diet is plant based diet, where the person would refrain from any kind of meat including poultry and dairy products. The kind of diet is increasingly becoming popular and a number of...
Chia seeds

4 Amazing benefits of consuming chia seeds

Chia seeds are often found in the kitchens, but not many people are aware of its actual properties and health benefits. These seeds are derived from a flowering plant from the mint family. They...
food budget

Food budget tips that can help you to save

Everyone struggles to maintain a budget every month. There are a number of expenses including electricity, rent, groceries that converts to food every month. Not many are aware that people tend to waste a...

4 Healthy office hours snacks

People who are a part of a regular 9 to 5 job often tend to lead unhealthy lifestyles due to irregular eating habits. This is mostly caused due to unhealthy snacking that they indulge...

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