6 Effective ways to get rid of wrinkles on neck and forehead

Neck and the forehead are prone to have wrinkles, but there are ways you can lighten them


Aging calls for changes with the skin and hair. The skin begins to lose its elasticity and the first signs are the formation of fine lines on the face and the neck. The reason is due to the fact that the skin in this area is thin and is exposed to plenty of sunlight. This is one of the major reasons the skin can begin to show signs of aging very soon. People are mostly concerned about the skin on their forehead and the neck and this mostly happens in the late 30s. But there are a few tips that can be handy and you could actually get rid of the fine lines and wrinkles that appear on the neck and the forehead.

1. Limit sun exposure – As far as possible, limit your exposure to the sun and if that is not possible, make sure that you apply a sunscreen lotion with minimum of 30 SPF and PA rating on your face and neck.

2. Remain hydrated – Being hydrated for most of the day time helps to delay the formation of wrinkles. You could drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.

3. Skincare products – Make sure that you select skincare products that contain retinol and peptides as it helps to keep the skin plump and keeps it hydrated.

4. Eat fruits and leafy vegetables – Eat fresh fruits that are seasonal along with green vegetables. It is also essential to have a good night sleep in the night for at least 8 hours.

5. Practice meditation – Make sure that you practice meditation and yoga for at least half an hour in the day, preferably in the morning hours.

6. Vitamin C Serum – Apply a good vitamin C serum on your neck and forehead area as it contains anti-oxidant properties which is great for the skin. It also helps to repair the damage that is done by the UV Rays and other factors of the environment.

Photo Credits: Pixabay