Home remedies to treat yellow nails

Yellow nails can look ugly, but a few home remedies can help to solve the problem

yellow nails

People who are fond of keeping their nails gorgeous and attractive can very well know the struggle of maintaining them. People who apply a lot of nail color, end up having nails that are dried up or yellow. This happens when the nail color tends to rip off the natural ingredients from the nail bed and makes it look yellow. But there are a few natural ways to get rid of them.

1. Toothpaste – A good toothpaste promises to have healthy and white teeth and it can do the same thing to the nails as well. You just need an old toothbrush and gently rub the toothpaste over the nails. This can be done once in a week for better results.

2. Apple cider vinegar – The apple cider vinegar is a very popular ingredient and is available in almost all households. It has antifungal properties. Your nails are likely to suffer from a fungal infection. Just mix two teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar in a bowl of water and soak your hands in them for about 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once in a week and see the results.

3. Lemon – Lemon is known for its bleaching properties and are very effective in terms of treating yellow nails. You just need half a lemon and gently rub it over the nails for at least 15 minutes. Wash it off with a gentle soap and water mixture. It effects can be seen almost immediately. This can be done at any time when you wish to as lemon is natural and it has to be applied externally only.

One thing has to be kept in mind that there can also be other reasons behind the nails turning yellow. It could also hint towards a few underlying health issues. If you are one of those who is not a regular user of nail colors then it is advised to visit a doctor for a thorough checkup.

Photo Credits: Pixabay