7 Things you should avoid doing in a new relationship

A new relationship is when you have just began to know your partner, so you need to be careful about certain things


A new relationship is always exciting. You are slowly getting used to the person you have fallen in love with. The bond has just begun and you have just begun to know your partner. This is a crucial time as you might end up doing something that your partner does not like. So when you have entered in to a new and fresh relationship, here are a few things that you should avoid doing.

1. Do not pretend – If you do not like something that your partner likes, do not pretend that you too like it. You can politely decline as this might create a difference in future when you have become comfortable with each other.

2. Give importance to your family as well – Your family and old friends come first and you need to spend time with them as well. DO not compromise your time with your family and give them a priority.

3. Have some personal space as well – Indulge in some me-time as well. Do not feel shy to ask for some personal space. You might also get an idea if your partner is too clingy.

4. It s OK to say no – It is not a crime to say no to something that you do not approve. You do not have to agree to all that your partner says. Maintain your stand as well.

5. Listen to your partner – There might be a few issues between you and your new partner. You can have a detailed discussion and listen to what he/she says.

6. Do not compare your partner to your ex – Never should you ever compare your new partner to your ex. This is one of the potential things which could even end up in a break up.

7. Do not lie – Do not lie anything about your personal things like about your house or your family. Your partner has to accept you the way you are.

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