5 Tips to take care of skin and hair during quarantine time

This quarantine time make sure that you pamper your hair and skin and make the most of the quarantine time


The coronavirus pandemic has left many cities to a complete lockdown and people are forced to remain inside the house. While people are being self quarantined, spending a long tie in the house can be annoying. But there are many ways you can make the best use of the self-quarantine time and concentrate in yourself. You can pamper yourself by reading books, cooking or can pick up a hobby that you have been longing to do. If you have decided to take care of your skin and hair, here are a few tips that can be utilized to take care.

1. Opt for a healthy diet – For a healthy skin and hair, it is also important to take care of what you are consuming. A proper diet much include intake of vitamins and proteins in the right amount. You can include green and leafy vegetables and avoid taking processed food. Fruits, nuts, eggs and berries are the best source of vitamins and protein.

2. Get down to detoxify your skin – Since you have all the time in the world now. You can fish you some time and detoxify your skin with the help of some easily available ingredients at home like lemon, cumin and mint. Mix these ingredients and make detox water and drink it regularly. You can also use this water to wash your face.

3. Apply hair mask – Make your own DIY hair mask at home with some simple ingredients like honey, egg white and lemon. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions and apply on the hair and leave it for about an hour. This works well for dry and dull hair.

4. Exercise regularly – Since you are at home, your body might not get ample exercise. Use the stairs to do some cardio exercise. You can also do yoga and utilize this time to freshen up your mind.

5. Stay hydrated – Drink water regularly. Lack of water can dehydrate your body and is also not good for your skin and hair. Your skin might soon show signs of ageing.

Photo Credits: Pixabay