4 easy ways to detach yourself from smartphones

There are people who spend more time on their smartphone devices and be unproductive but there are a few solutions


In this era of smartphones and high tech gadgets, humans today like to be connected to the world and stay updated 27/7. Since most of the people use smartphones a study has shown that 81 percent of people are attached to their phones all day. However, people might not realize that such a trend of constantly being on phone might be creating a nuisance. For some it might be affecting the family relationship and for some this might be affecting the professional relationships.

The fact is that it is good and healthy to spend less time on the screens. People who manage to do so have less levels of stress and feel more excited towards work. Here are a few ways you can apply to detach yourself from you smartphones.

1. Calculate – Sit down and calculate how much time you actually spend on your device. You will find that you overspend time on some unproductive work which could be utilized in some better and productive work.

2. Keep your cell phone out of your room – Once you are aware of how much time you spend on your smartphone, get used to keeping your phone away from your bedroom. After waking up in the morning, instead of grabbing the phone and checking mails and messages, take some time to relax, breathe, meditate and grab a pen and paper to write down your to-do-list for the day.

3. Set priorities – Not all mails needed to be urgently replied. Make sure that you do not take time from your existing work time to reply your unnecessary mails. Your priority must be to finish your work first and not check mails unless you are down with your work.

4. Its rude to have phones when around people – Smartphones and other devices must be banned on dinner tables and family gatherings. If someone is seen taking out the phone you can ask them politely to put it off. Spend more time with family and friends instead of spending time on unproductive things.

Photo Credits: Pixabay