Orionid Meteor Shower, Playing in The Sky Above You This Weekend


Behold Nature’s Magic This Weekend, Just Lay in The Open Dark & Enjoy The Show!

This whole phenomenon is pretty cool when you think about the fact that Earthlings haven’t witnessed Halley’s Comet since 1986, and won’t see it again until 2061. Still, every year dust from Halley’s Comet creates a spectacular meteor shower. The occasional sightings every autumn are made possible by the intersection of the earth’s and the comet’s orbits.

The Orionid Meteor Shower is not the only one produced by debris from the comet. Eta Aquarids is another meteor shower produced by debris from Halley’s Comet and occurs in May. The disintegration of pieces of the comet produce the spectacular celestial fireworks displays in the upper atmosphere of the earth, some 60 miles up.
