Orionid Meteor Shower, Playing in The Sky Above You This Weekend


Why the name Orionid?

The meteor shower got this name as it appears to radiate from Orion, one of the constellations. Orion ranks among the top brightest constellations. It holds two of the brightest stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel. It is also known for the famous Orion’s belt. Orion’s belt consists of three stars that are close to one another and form an almost straight line. The stars are about 1,500 light-years away from our planet. According to Greek mythology, Orion is known as Hunter. In star maps, he is normally seen facing Taurus, the bull.

Meteor shower, artwork

Does you need a telescope?

The shower can be clearly spotted with the naked eye, as long as the skies are dark. Space lovers have a neat trick up their sleeves. They find a dark spot and allow their eyes to get used to the dark. They’ll then wait for the show to begin. For even more comfort, come with something to lie on.

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