Ramadan Wishes And Greetings For The Season


Updated Trends: The Month Of Ramadan For The Muslims Has Begun

Ramadan is here, and all Islamic followers have begun to get involved in prayers and worship all over the world. The month of Ramadan lasts for thirty days, during which all Muslim brothers and sisters observe strict fasting and prayer. Ramadan is the month in which all Muslims try to be away from all the comforts and luxuries of the world for a month.


During the fasts of Ramadan, a person should not eat anything from the first beam of sunlight to the last beam of sunset. The whole day a Muslim brother observes strict fast and does not even drink water. Exceptions come in when a person is too old, sick, pregnant or may be travelling. But one has to make up for all the days that he/she had not observed fast, by keeping it on some other day.

During Ramadan, if a person is not able to keep the fast for some reason, then he/she has to provide food to some needy person for every day missed. During Ramadan it is a time of self purification and prayer. Muslims greet each other at the end of each month by celebrating Id.

A good greeting for your fellow Muslim brother or sister for the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan Greeting