4 Simple ways to entertain children without technology


    UpdatedTrends.com: These days, children have become increasingly dependent on technology while looking for some entertainment. This kind of practice is bad for them, because it makes them lazy and less creative. Here are 4 ways to entertain your kids without technology.


    1. Fill the bathtub: The nicer weather is here and nothing can be better than enjoying a cool bathtub which is filled up with water toys. If your child is younger, throw in water bottles, measuring cups, spoons, egg separators and more of these things. If your child is a bit older, they can build a soap tower.

    2. Mud digging: Mud and sand are something that children enjoy playing with. Do not refrain your child from playing in the mud, instead encourage them to dig and plant new flowers, plants or veggies in the garden.

    3. Fun with blankets: Take a few blankets and allow your children to make a blanket fort with the help of furniture in the house and allow them to crawl into it.

    4. A simple carton box: A big cardboard box can be the easiest and the simplest way to entertain your child for hours. The box can turn into a rocket ship, a cave or an underwater grotto without too much effort. Your child can also color the box.

    Photo Credits: Amysfarm