New test to reveal menopause period


    Updated Trends: British scientists have discovered a new test that will help women to predict their period of menopause. This will also help women to know how much time they have left to have a baby.

    Jane Seymour

    Researchers from the St Andrews, Glasgow and Edinburgh have found how levels of a key chemical change can affect the reproductive system of a woman. The new test will reveal how many eggs the woman has remaining.

    The new discovery will also allow women to compare their own hormone levels, on an average, with their age. This will help the women to calculate if they have enough time to have a baby or they have to rush as soon as possible.

    The new process will also help women, who have just gone through a cancer treatment, to find out if the treatment has affected their fertility. Moreover, this will also help te women who want to stop having more children, to pursue a career. A trend has shown that one in five babies are now born to women over the age of 35. Such a trend is a growing concern as women would face trouble in conceiving the more they delay motherhood. The concern has now led to the search to find ways to predict when the women should attempt to conceive.