Caffeine likely to affect fertility of women, says new study


    Updated Trends: A recent study has revealed that the consumption of caffeine by women may reduce the chances of conceiving. According to a recent research, caffeine can affect the fertility in women and can reduce the movement of the muscles of the fallopian tubes.


    Fallopian tubes help in carrying a woman’s eggs from the ovaries to the womb. Sean Ward, from the University of Nevada School of Medicine, had conducted the study, and found that caffeine relaxes the cells of the muscles of the fallopian tubes.

    The contractions of the muscles are reduced due to caffeine, which affects the transport of the eggs from the ovaries to the womb. According to the study, if the eggs are not carried to the womb, it may lead to a failed pregnancy or even stop the embryo stops in mid way and starts to develop in the fallopian tube.

    The researcher had experimented on the fallopian tubes of mice, which are similar to that of the humans. After caffeine was applied to the fallopian tubes, the muscles had relaxed. However, further research has to be done on how much caffeine is necessary that may affect the fertility of the women. Caffeine affects the people in different ways. It is not essential that it may affect the same way to all adults.