Top 5 ways to save energy this summer


Updated Trends:  The scorching summer is back again and it is time to prepare for the worst temperatures of the season. As the summer brings the heat, it is also the time when the energy is consumed the most, so as to chill our homes with the air conditioners and other luxury cooling equipments.


One does not have to go out of the way to save energy. Just a few simple and effective methods can do the magic and help you to contribute towards the energy conservation. This summer here are the top five methods to save energy, while you beat the heat.

1. Service your air conditioner – Not many are aware that it is really essential to service the air conditioner unit in every season. If the unit is not serviced, your monthly electricity bills may shoot up due to the energy consumption.

2. Air dry dishes – Instead of using the dishwasher to wash the utensils. Try using hands for washing them or at least air dry the utensils, which will save a lot of energy.

3. Light bulbs – One can replace the incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent ones. The fluorescent bulbs consume less energy and also emit less heat.

4. Natural cooling – One can even opt for natural cooling of the room by drenching the curtains of the rooms. The idea may sound weird but works well, when actually applied.

5. Switch off unnecessary lights – When not in the room, try switching off the lights every time you leave the room. This also contributes towards energy saving.

These are few ways to beat the heat this summer and come out cool and winning.