Iran Nuclear Talks To Take Place In Istanbul, Turkey


Updated Trends: Istanbul, Turkey is the place where the Iran Nuclear talks are taking place with Iran, United Nations Security Council and Germany. The role of Turkey is to hold the Nuclear talks in their nation, and as per a statement made by the EU Foreign Affairs Chief “The negotiations began with the P5-plus-1, and we are right to continue the way that we have started”.

iran nuclear talks turkey

Still one should keep in mind that Turkey too has a strong hand in the nuclear talks, and this is something which can be seen in their efforts to stabilize the Middle East. One of the main motto’s of Turkey today is to have zero problems with all its neighbours, and it is working on it.

If these talks dont work out, then Turkey is the nation which will suffer the most, and it does not want this to happen. Even as Iran and Turkey’s relations have always been close, the region wants a stabilized solution in context Iran’s nuclear program.

Source: WashingtonPost