British Actor Sacha Baron Cohen Will Star As Saddam Hussein In ‘The Dictator’


Updated Trends: British actor Sacha Baron Cohen will star as Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in an upcoming movie titled ‘The Dictator’. Sacha who is well known for his roles as Ali G, Borat and Bruno, will star in this latest film based on the novel Zabibah and The King. The film is straight forward depiction about the former dictator of Iraq, his works and his cruelty in the nation.


As per the sources, the film will tell the story about Saddam, who had even risked his life to avoid democracy to enter into his nation, which he loved. Larry Charles is the man who will direct the movie, as he has already worked in Borat and Bruno movies, and Scott Rudin will take the opportunity to produce it.

As of now, Sacha is filming the movie Hugo Cabret, and he will also star as Freddy Mercury in a biopic movie which is due to be released in 2011. The Dictator will be released on the 11th May 2012. The fans of Sacha will eagerly wait for his latest release, as his acting is also considered to be unique among many.

Source: Independent