David Lee Of Golden State Warriors Gets Hospitalized After His 2nd Surgery


Updated Trends: David Lee Of Golden State Warriors Gets Hospitalized After His 2nd Surgery

Golden State Warriors center forward, David Lee has been hospitalized once again after he underwent a second surgery for an infection in his elbow. On Monday, news had spread that his surgery had gone well and would be recovering very soon. Dr. Bill Maloney his surgeon spoke to the media on Tuesday and stated that this injury could not be avoided and stated that he would be recovering soon.

David Lee Hospitalized

But Lee on the other hand, remains hospitalized at Stanford Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment and observation. It was during the game when he had received a wound on his elbow as it was punchered by an opponent player when his hand accidentaly hit him on his face.

After he sustained this injury, they were on their way to Chicago, during which his elbow pained him immensely, and it was reportedly the worst pain that he had suffered in his life. He was directly sent to the emergency room for treatment and medication. He elbow was completely infected because of the puncher wound caused by the player’s tooth, as the bacteria might have reached vital areas in his tissue.