Worst fruits that could not be good for your weight loss plans

Although fruits are good for health, there are certain fruits that can hamper your weight loss plans

Worst fruits

Fruits are one of the healthiest options in terms of food. However, when a person is trying to lose weight, then there are some of the fruits that might not be favorable towards the process. Fruits contain a number of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. One has to understand that fruits should be consumed in moderation. They also contain fibre that helps you to stay fit and energetic. When picking up fruits, you need to make wise decisions. A number of them are sugary and could pack up on calories. However, they are still better than a bag of chips or other processed foods. Here we will be looking in to the fruits that might not be favourable for your weight loss goals.

  1. Dried Fruits – Now this might come as a surprise to many as these are something that many people eat for pre-workout or post-workout. As per experts the dried fruits have no water as it is all evaporated which shrinks the fruit and  makes it more dense. Too many dry fruits can also have ill effects on the overall health and is also bad for the weight loss process.
  2. Tropical fruits – Experts have always stressed on the simple formula of moderation. Tropical fruits can include bananas, mango, papaya and pineapple. These fruits are grown in hot and humid climate conditions in Africa, Asia, Central America, South America, Oceania and the Caribbean. These fruits tend to have more sugar which can add to the calorie content. Tropical fruits often contain hidden calories that can sabotage your weight loss plans.

Conclusion –

As per experts dried and tropical fruits should be avoided by people who have weight loss plans. They are also not good as they have no nutritional benefits and are excessively high on calories. Instead of the tropical and dried fruits, you could have grapefruit, blueberries which are high on fibre and helps to boost metabolism.

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