World Earth Day 2022 – Things to follow to protect your environment

World Earth Day 2022 comes as a reminder that it is high time you start taking steps to protect the environment

World Earth Day

World Earth Day is observed on April 22 and is the perfect opportunity to spread the word to protect the environment at any time. The Earth belongs to everyone as it provides us with all the essentials that include water, air and natural resources. Unfortunately due to the abuse by the human lifestyle, these basic resources are fast depleting. Although it is not too late to realize, but this is the right time people need to step up and take all the essential measures with responsibility. Here we will be discussing about a few ways that can help you to be responsible towards the environment.

1. Use paper more than plastic – Many people use plastic when they donate food and other things. Next time you do this, make sure that you donate food wrapped in paper instead of plastic. People who consume the food, tend to throw away the plastic irresponsibly making it impossible to recycle.

2. Throw spoiled food responsibly – People tend to throw spoiled food in a plastic bag, which is the worst thing you could do to the environment. Plastic tends to remain in the soil for years together without getting decomposed. Make sure that you throw the food in a pit and throw the plastic in a separate bin for recycling.

3. Shop for vintage clothes – Instead of buying new clothes, you could go for vintage clothing. Also try recycling clothes. The habit of wearing a clothing item just once and then disposing it off can increase clutter and could end up in a landfill. You could donate the clothes for reuse as well.

4. Do not print tickets – When you are travelling, you do not have to always print tickets. A number of airlines now accept the digital version that can be seen on your smartphones and other devices. This way you are saving the use of stationary.

5. Do not use plastic straws – There are reusable straws or paper straws that are available in the market and are environmental friendly. Plastic straws end up in the oceans while causing harm to the animals in the ocean.

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