Things that you should avoid doing just before your wedding

You need to make sure that nothing goes wrong on your wedding day and a few things should be avoided


The wedding season is here and this is the time you need to be aware and absorb the feeling that you are all set to begin a new life. The actual day comes with a lot of excitement around and you and your family members need to ensure that nothing goes wrong at the moment. Here we will be discussing about a few things that you need to avoid just before your big wedding day.

1. Try out new make-up/skincare products – This is a big NO. No matter how your skin gets adjusted and accepts new things, trying out a new product just the day before your wedding is an absolute blunder. Stick to what you have been using on a regular basis. You do not want to end up looking red-faced with a reaction on your face/skin.

2. Irregular sleep patterns – Just before your wedding make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Not having enough sleep could make your face vulnerable to dark circles and your make-up artist might have a tough time hiding them.

3. Eating on junk – You might indeed be stressed and could be tempted to indulge in some hot chocolate brownie or a large piece of pizza. If you are feeling dull or low, get an energy drink but avoid junk food that will make you feel bloated and dull. You can also indulge in fresh fruits and remain hydrated with fresh fruit juices without sugar. And off-course you do not want to look bloated in your sexy wedding outfit.

4. Walking out in the sun – Do not step out in the sun and if it is very urgent, make sure that you are wearing enough sunscreen. The sun light can tan your skin making you look dull. All the facial sittings and appointments would be ruined so make sure that you stay inside and make the most of the moment with your family members.

Photo Credits: Pixabay