5 Easy home remedies to get rid of cracked heels

Cracked heels is a common problem during the winter season but a few remedies can provide relief

cracked heels

Chilly weather brings a number of hair and skin problems. One of the most common skin problems during the winter season is cracked heels. Such issues happens as the body begins to lose moisture and the effects can be seen on the skin. Cracked heels can become sore and be painful. Here are some of the effective and simple remedies for cracked heels that can be done at home.

1. Honey – Not many are aware of the properties of honey. It not just helps in deep moisturizing but also has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. The ingredient also works as a natural exfoliator and helps to heal wounds faster. Make a mixture of honey and rose water in a bowl and leave it for 15 minutes after applying it. Wash it off with cold water.

2. Aloe vera gel – Aloe vera is another natural ingredient that has deep moisturizing effects. It helps to lock the moisture in the skin and improves the production of collagen that helps in the healing process of cracked heels. You can use fresh aloe vera gel and apply it directly to the affected area. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

3. Vinegar – Vinegar can be found in all households. Make a mixture by mixing one part vinegar, two parts of water and a few drops of essential oils. Dip your feel in the mixture for a while. It could give a strong odor after applying on the feet but it will vanish after the mixture dries off.

4. Bananas – You need a couple of ripe bananas, mash them and rub them on the feet. The fruit is rich in potassium which is great moisturizing effect and can cure the cracked heels. Leave it for ten minutes and rinse off with cold water.

5. Pumice stone – These come in a number of shapes and sizes that are meant for exfoliating your feet. Soak your heels in warm water for 15 minutes and it loosens the dead skin. Rub the affected area with pumice stone to get rid of all the dead skin.

Photo Credits: Pixabay