Hair wash tricks you wish you knew earlier

Experts advise about using a few tips during hair wash for better results

hair wash

Hair wash is a very simple process that helps to cleanse the hair and the scalp. Regular hair wash is important for the hair health and to ensure its proper growth. While the process is simple, experts have recommended a few changes and will help you to have better results. You could be using a very expensive shampoo, but not knowing the right technique could make it not worth. Here we will be discussing about a few tricks that you could use during hair wash.

1. Double cleansing – While double cleansing is important for your face, it is also important for your hair. You could pick up a good hair oil and heat it till it is lukewarm. Massage the oil in generous portions on your scalp and hair for at least 5 to 10 minutes. This will help to loosen the dirt and residue on the scalp and hair. You could wait for an hour and shampoo your hair, which will do the rest of the work by removing the dirt. Make sure that you condition your hair.

2. Use your fingers and not nails – Many people have the habit of using their nails for giving the scalp a good scrub. It could be relaxing while you are under a war shower, but you should not forget that your nails could also have dirt and bacteria. The dirt on the nails can lead to infections on the scalp. You could use your fingers instead to massage your scalp.

3. Do not apply shampoo directly– Before you apply the shampoo, make sure that you apply the shampoo after lathering it in your hand. Alternatively, you could also add some water to the shampoo before applying.

4. Cold rinse – It is important to get rid of all the shampoo residue from the hair and scalp or the build-up of the product could lead to infections and dandruff. After you have a warm water rinse, make sure that you rinse your hair with cold water before you walk out. This will lock the cuticles and avoid hair breakage.

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