Things to keep in mind while heat styling your hair

Usage of heat styling can cause damage to the hair but a few tips can protect to a certain extent

heat styling

Exposing your hair to heat is never good for the hair. But that styling your hair once in a while for occasions does no harm. There are also ways to be extra careful by being a little careful and applying a few hacks that will do minimum damage to the hair when you have decided to style. Here are a few tips that you could use or apply before heat styling your hair.

1. Use a heat protectant spray – You could protect your hair from heat styling. There are heat protective sprays available in the market. Just before you use any heat products on the hair, make sure that you use a heat protective spray. Make sure that you never skip this process.

2. Do not use heat tools on wet hair – Wet hair is very vulnerable to break and are very sensitive. Make sure that you dry your hair completely. Even after you have blow-dried your hair, make sure that you wait for the natural air to work. Heat tools on wet hair gives better results, but it damages the hair.

3. Do not heat style hair with oil on hair – Make sure that you wash your hair thoroughly before you are styling your hair with heat tools. Using heat tools on hair with oil is like frying them. Clean hair is the best to style.

4. Condition thoroughly – When you know you have to style your hair, make sure that you condition your hair well with special attention to the ends of hair. It provides an extra protection.

5. Use good quality tools – The market has a number of heat styling products. But make sure that you buy the good quality ones that could cost a few more bucks. The good quality ones make use of better quality material and do less damage to the hair.

Tip : Styling your hair makes you look great and increases the confidence, but it is recommended o do it only once in a while and not on an everyday basis.

Photo Credits: Pixabay