Unvaccinated people in Alabama make for majority of the deaths

The state of Alabama has concerning numbers of people who are not getting the Coronavirus shots


The problem of people avoiding the coronavirus vaccine continues across the globe. A new figure from Alabama has got some worrisome news. The State health official revealed that about all of the COVID-19 deaths in the state are of people who were not vaccinated against the virus. Scott Harris, the health officer said that only 26 of the 11,600 deaths were of people who were completely vaccinated. The officer added that about 2,000 patients are currently being treated in the state hospitals.

Harris also expressed that such figures would not have existed if more people would have come forward to get themselves vaccinated. The officer also said that the case numbers are driven by the people who have not received their vaccination. Moreover, the state is also noticing a slight drop in the number of residents who are opting to get themselves vaccinated. Due to the situation, the state has noticed a sudden hike in the number of infections that have led to hospitalizations and severe illness.

As on August 6, 2021 about 1,923 people were hospitalized and such high figures were not seen by the state since late January, 2021. Even during the peak of the pandemic, Alabama had seen 3,000 people who were hospitalized and the state health officers have warned that it is slowly leading towards the old figure. Harris also informed that nearly 93 percent of the hospital’s intensive care units have already reached their capacity.

The officer while talking to the leading daily said that all the patients from the hospital are unvaccinated people. He added that he is in talks with the state to have conclusive numbers. It has been reported that nearly 34 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated. The state is one of the least vaccinated in the nation. The concern regarding getting people their shots is crucial to bring an end to the pandemic.

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